Sunday, May 17, 2009

KK's Bugz Program

Kaylee's second grade class along with Mrs. Dawson's class put on a school program entitled "Bugz". Mrs. Jenson and Mrs. Dawson did a great job coming up with a program were every child had a part and was able to participate. they had the boys dress up in camo to be army ants, and the girls work red and black so they were lady bugs. They even had a few costume changes. The kids brought flash lights and they made a bug to go over the top to be a firefly and turned out the lights and sang a song about fireflies it was cute. The teachers took into consideration the length of the program so the kids didn't get board and they had the kids do a lot of the bug decorations that were around the gym. Kaylee loved that part, she loves to do crafty things (I wonder were she got that from?) it made her proud to help out. She has had a great year and her teacher Mrs. Jenson has been so good for her, she has really helped her to love school which in turn has made me happy!

This is KK with Mrs. Jenson

Good Job Kaylee we are so proud of you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day!

I have to give my hubby a big huge thank you for giving me such a nice Mother's Day. I woke up to breakfest, and him going out of his way to make sure the kids were getting ready for church, as well as making sure they weren't fighting. Which on a Sunday is hard to do. I had propbably the nicest and most relaxing day, which I don't think I have had for maybe 7 years.

Thanks Jeff you truely are the BEST!