Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween


Halloween was the best this year, the kids were so excited to dress-up, even if they were a little mad that I was making them wear the costumes from last year but, nobody saw them last year because we were in Disneyland.

Dalton was my first child that didn't fuss about having on a costume. The other two threw a fit the minute I would try and put it on.

I am having a hard time keeping the kids out of the candy, I've tried to just let them have a little a day but, Dalton will get into to it were ever it is, we have even caught him trying to climb up to the top of the fridge. I swear that boy is going to give me a run for my money.

1 comment:

The White Family said...

Go Dalton GO! You are supposed to drive your mother nuts! Thats what my kids do! Hey Laura are you going to the 15 year reunion???