Tuesday, June 24, 2008


My Cooper! I couldn't imagine life without him. Cooper is the sweetest boy and the biggest trouble maker. I get scared every morning when I go to get in the shower because I have no idea what I will find when I get out. There are some days I swear they invented time-outs just for him. I will get after him and then sometimes punish him and he will say he is sorry and then smile out me with that mischievous grin of his (by they way he gets it from his Dad) wrap his arms around my legs and say, "but you still love me Mommy." How do you stay mad at that? Cooper is always making us laugh he found this Batman mask at Wal-Mart and begged until I gave in and bought it. He wore it the whole day he only took it off to eat, brush his teeth, and take a bath. I had to take it off him when he fell asleep. He has rediscovered his cars and has to have Mack, lightning, Chick, and The King in order to watch the movie. According to Cooper they like to watch themselves. Cooper is always saying the funniest stuff too. The other day Jeff was teasing him and he finally had it, and yelled "stop it Dad your putting nuts in my brain." (instead of saying your making me nuts)
I love my Cooper and I am glad the Lord has blessed me with him. He is such a fun kid. Not having any brothers of my own I learned fast that boys are different. Kaylee is calm and always willing to help. Plus she is usually clean. Cooper 75% of the time can't hear me, he is always busy and I swear he is a walking mess. But, he loves to struggle with me still and he is a night owl sometimes he and I have midnight ice cream dates. Cooper is fun and full of life, like I said before my life would not be the same without him. Cooper I love you! Mommy.


Princess Hairstyles said...

This is cute. I have the same problem with my boys not hearing me. I think they have a talent for tuning people out at a very early age. And, the cars watching themselves is hilarious!

Allie said...

I just love Cooper. He is hilarious. I think he is a mini-me of Jeff. You just have the cutest family. I need to be better at posting the funny things my kids say, too often we forget them.

Teri said...

Hey Laura! I was surprised to see your comment on my blog. I am glad you have a blog - now I can keep up with you guys! Both my boys do NOT listen to me. Your family is cute!

We will be in Enoch on the 4th of July, maybe we will see you at the park!

Stacy said...

Hey stranger it was good to hear from you. Life for us has changed so much and then to add TWINS to the mix is crazy. I have never been so busy doing nothing but taking care of newborns, but I love them. Davis and Blake can hear but choose not to listen, Davis can hear you wisper from the other room but ask the kid to do something... Oh I didn't hear you Keep in touch I am glad I get to look at your blog now and see what Y'all are doing

Suzette said...

Hey Laura,
So I blog stalked your from Teri's. Your kids are sooooo big I can't believe it. I'm glad that you are doing so good. And Cooper sounds like such a fun little boy. Arn't boys so fun? Keep in touch.