Friday, August 15, 2008


So they say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so here goes I am a huge Olympics junky. Maybe its the swimmer in me and all the time I spent on the swim team that has made my competitive nature take over. My favorite athletes of all time are unarguably Summer Sanders and Janet Evans. I lived for watching them just like I do now when it comes to Micheal Phelps and Natalie Coughlin.

Summer or Winter it doesn't matter I am glued to the t.v., it doesn't matter even what the event is, I have to watch it. I have struggled to get up in the mornings because I have stayed up to late watching gymnastics and volleyball. My kids give me a hard time because we try not to watch to much t.v. but, I made an exception for the Olympics. I know I probably need HELP!


Allie said...

I was just thinking that exact thing today. I am an Olympic addict. I can't get enough of it, and I must admit that I am more than a little sad that the swimming is over.

Unknown said...

Hey Laura -
It is Heidi Duncan(Gilmore now) - I just found your blog through Teri's blog - I am neighbors with one of her old roomates and she gave me the blog. Olympics are awesome - it almost made me want to get back in shape - I think I will settle with letting my kids get in shape - I just signed my oldest up for swimteam. I finally got talked into starting a blog -
Your kids are darling!

The White Family said...

I'm addicted too! It's the swimming! The rest is okay but the swimming gives me butterflies!
Your family is adorable and your blog makes mine look like crap.